two people standing
Basketball Schedule
Basketball Schedule
Group of Students
Graphic Picture with Santa and Snow Men  and Wreath
Early Release Pre K 12:30 DES 1:30 DM/HS 1:15 Family/Teacher Conference Plus Community Support Information Booths Wednesday, November 20th 2-6 PM at each School Site: Elementary School 457 North Mundo Dr. Middle School 125 Hawks Dr. High School 91 Hawks Dr. 575-759-3225
A poster with a flag and a group of people saluting  Description automatically generated
Dulce Independent Schools Dear Parents and Guardians, join us for our monthly Parent Advisory Meeting Elementary School, First Wednesday, 9:00 AM, Middle School, Second Tuesday 9:30 am High School Last Wednesday 11 am. Participate in open discussions, Goal Setting, Future Planning 575-759-3225