Our District
Dulce Independent Schools welcomes parents/guardians and others to visit our schools and classrooms. At the same time, we must ensure our students and staff are safe and learning is not disrupted. We must be aware of who is in the buildings at all times and monitor volunteer interactions. Our guidelines were developed to support our district mission while embracing and encouraging community engagement.
Am I a Visitor or am I a Volunteer?
A visitor is an unsalaried person who attends a district sponsored event/activity or visits a site in the district for a short time mostly to observe. Visitors must be under the supervision of, or accompanied by, a school employee at all times if they wish to visit beyond the school office. Visitors shall have no unsupervised exposure or contact with students. No background clearance is required to visit a site in the district. When visitors’ time on campus becomes more than a casual visit, or becomes more consistent, they shall be encouraged to become volunteers.
Visitors shall comply with the following requirements:
Visitors shall report their presence and sign in at the school office.
Schools will provide visitors with a sticker or label to designate them as such while on campus, which they will display at all times and surrender following the event or activity.
Visitors must be able to present some form of current government-issued photo identification (driver’s license, passport, military ID, US or other government identification).
Examples of visitors may include such events as:
guest/resource speakers
one-time appearance for school or classroom event like a literacy day, play or presentation
parents and family members who attend school to eat lunch
visitors for a one-time family involvement activity with their student
parents dropping off items for their student at the school
vendors making a delivery to a school
parent-teacher conferences or student meetings
athletic or activity events
A volunteer is defined as any individual who wishes to access the school campus beyond the school office, without the supervision of a school employee. Any individual wishing to visit the campus beyond the school office must complete a Criminal Background Check and complete and agree to the Volunteer Guidelines. Download Volunteer Application Packet Here
An individual failing to comply with any of these procedures and/or causing a disruption of the educational process may be barred or removed from the campus at the principal's discretion. The individual also may be charged with criminal trespassing. The Dulce Independent Schools Human Resource Department may provide additional information and assistance.